German Cambridge Society
German Cambridge Society


Our History

The German Cambridge Society was founded in 1978. Originally, it was a Dining Club of Oxford and Cambridge alumni, which came alive in 1965. Today get-togethers, dinners, debates and speeches of the German Cambridge Society take place all across Germany. Society life is also inspired by our good relations with the Cambridge Alumni Relations Office.


The German Cambridge Society works towards:

  • enabling members to make new contacts among Cambridge women and men, wherever they may be, keeping them in touch with the University of Cambridge and to provide a social focus;
  • encouraging discussion between resident members of the University and those members of the German Cambridge Society in business and professional life whose knowledge and experience can make useful contributions in any area of concern to the University of Cambridge;
  • furthering the exchange and cooperation between the University of Cambridge and German universities by, for instance, supporting exchange students.


  • President & Primary Group Contact: Bjoern Weidner (Trinity Hall 1999)
  • Vice President: David Fyfe (Sidney Sussex College 1963)
  • Treasurer: Carsten Kuhnert (Wolfson College 2006)
  • SecretaryMarc-Jullian Hensel (Homerton College 2013)
  • Communications Officer: Sebastian Czerniejewski (St Catharine’s College 2015)
  • Events Officer: Nigel Luhman (Churchill College 1984)
  • Outreach Officer: Eckehard Rosenbaum (Darwin College 1991)
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(c) 2024 by German Cambridge Society